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Cafe Dining
Learn more about the dining services at The Blackstone Health Cafe.

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For the monthly meal menu, refer to the Senior Center Newsletter.
About The Blackstone Health Cafe
The Blackstone Health Cafe at the Leon Mathieu Senior Center provides nutritious meals in a congregate dining setting located on the 3rd floor. The Blackstone Health Cafe is operated by Blackstone Health Inc. which is an affiliate of VNA of Cafe New England. The program provides opportunities for those 60+ to socialize with residents within their own community and share common interests and life experiences in a comfortable atmosphere.
Who Can Participate in the Congregate Meal Program?
Participation in the congregate meal program is available to individuals who are at least sixty years and older and their spouse/partner.
What is the Cost of a Meal?
Diners contribute to the cost of the meal with a suggested donation of $3.00. No one is refused if they cannot afford the suggested donation. Guests of members may also dine, paying $4.00 for the cost of the meal.
Meal costs are funded in part by the U.S. Administration
for Community Living and through the Rhode Island Office
of Healthy Aging.
How do I Make Meal Reservations?
Meal reservations may be made by contacting the Cafe at (401) 728-5480. Transportation can also be arranged by calling the Cafe. Reservations for meals must be made at least one day in advance. Call one week in advance to make a reservation to attend special Holiday-themed meals.
What if I Want to Volunteer?
We welcome volunteers. If interested in becoming a volunteer at the Cafe, please contact Tim Sandy, Blackstone Cafe Coordinator at (401) 728-5480.
What if I Want to Learn About Making Smart Food Choice?
Learn how to make smart food choices, sample a healthy, low cost recipe, and take-home tools to make healthy food choices with URI Snap Educations’ “Healthy Living” program. Additionally, you can attend a cooking demonstration presented by Farm Fresh RI. The program illustrates how to utilize everyday ingredients in new ways. Both of these nutrition programs are held monthly in the Cafe on the 3rd floor, following lunch.